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Workshops & Bespoke Services

Partners in Depression

6 Week Group Program for Carers

Partners in Depression is a group education program designed to address the information and support needs of those who love, live with or care for a person experiencing depression. It provides people with the information and tools to better support the person in their life with depression, and themselves. 


The six week program aims to

  • increase knowledge of depressive illness including symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

  • raise awareness of the particular impact of depression on relationships, and the personal impact on emotional and physical wellbeing

  • improve communication skills

  • encourage and facilitate communication about the experiences of supporting a family member or friend with depression

  • encourage self-care and coping strategies

  • provide information about access to services and resources

  • encourage help-seeking behaviour for carers and the people in their life experiencing depression


Groups run based on expressed interest, please get in touch with Life Force Psychology today to register your interest.

Care Homes & Supported Living

Bespoke Psychotherapeutic Group Programs

Life Force Psychology is passionate about supporting members of the community in care and offers one-off and series of bespoke psycho-social and psycho-educational group workshops to support the needs and wellbeing of residents. Creative, sensory and interactive groups can be custom designed and delivered for mental health, learning disability and aged care services with a focus on building ADL skills, wellbeing and self-care strategies, enhancing communication skills, facilitating expression or other identified areas of need.
Get in touch with Life Force Psychology today to learn more about how workshops could benefit people utilising care and support services to improve their quality of life and achieve personal goals as well as service outcomes.

Support for loved ones in palliative and/or coma care

Bespoke service supporting families/loved ones to enhance communication & relationship

Do you have a loved one currently in palliative care or living in a coma or coma like state? E.G sedation by morphine/opioids during terminal and painful conditions such as cancer. 

After first-hand experiences of the often limited support available in care settings to facilitate communication between loved-ones and care recipients, members of our team became interested in techniques that can aid and deepen communication and connection in such circumstances. Research exists to demonstrate the receptive capacity of those in coma-like and/or altered states of consciousness during such periods of care and the subtle yet meaningful ways in which to understand the attempts of communication made by the care recipient and the deep value of having these attempts recognised by their carers and loved ones.


Contact Life Force Psychology today to learn more about how we might be able to support you during hospital, home or facility visits to demonstrate and teach you these techniques so that you may experience more dynamic and meaningful communication and deepen the relationship quality with your loved one during this important time.

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